Discovery Day

Is it time to pass on your farmland? 

You want your family to carry on and improve on what you started. 

We want the same thing. 
If you're ready for a trusted partner to guide you through the transition period...

The Transition Planning Process

This can be a challenging series of steps that families face. The big issues often involve personal feelings, emotions and letting go.  

I also believe there is no WOW or what I call instant gratification when it comes to transitional planning. Farmers see their labour generating new life every day…things like crops growing and calves putting on weight.  

It is difficult to see the financial side of transition in the same light as growing and maturing crops and calves.  

Numbers will never replace the emotional connection you get from watching life unfold on the farm. However, numbers are very critical so the next generation can feed the world and continue the family legacy.   

Discovery Day Guidelines

The best way in starting this journey is to have a family meeting with an agenda which I call DISCOVERY DAY. 

Examine the Family & Business Issues

Do you want to keep land in Agriculture?

What questions should the next generation ask?

What is the farm business looking for?

Parents role

Create a proposal for the kids to review and have them create a plan

Is the farm profitable?

What does it need?

Transferring management is a shared responsability

Can the business support a multi-family farm?

How can I add value?

Do you want to farm together?

Discovery Day Guidelines

The best way in starting this journey is to have a family meeting with an agenda which I call DISCOVERY DAY. 

Examine the Family & Business Issues

Do you want to keep land in Agriculture?

Is the farm profitable?

Can the business support a multi-family farm?

Do you want to farm together?

What questions should the next generation ask?

What is the farm business looking for?

What does it need?

How can I add value?

Parents role

Create a proposal for the kids to review and have them create a plan

Transferring management is a shared responsability