“Navigating Uncertainty……Charting Prosperity”
The above title is the Global Business Forum’s theme at a Banff conference held recently. What an incredible event on international business. The conference held discussions on the changing global order and the opportunity for Canada and the West in meeting these international challenges. Ivo Daalder, president of Chicago Council on Global Affairs called the challenge a “galvanizing moment for the West.”
I am proud that Alberta has always been a leader when it comes to innovation and meeting international challenges. As a country we have an obligation in providing energy, raw materials, manufactured goods and food in helping other countries overcome shortages.
For the good of our worldly neighbors, I see this as an opportunity in solving challenges such as supply chain issues, green energy, food supplies and environmental concerns. Value is created through trade. This enhances economic growth, supports local jobs, raises living standards, and taxes from profits can flow back into our system supporting Canadians. Yes, I did say taxes; looking at it in a positive way. We own this journey and now we need to take ownership.
How we “NAVIGATE this UNCERTAINTY” is how we “CHARTER PROSPERITY” as a nation.
Your thoughts are always appreciated
Take care
Fred Mertz