Calgary Economic Development 2023 Economic Outlook

Mr. Rob Roach, Deputy Chief Economist, ATB presented an outstanding presentation at the October 19, 2022 conference. His paper titled “You are only as good as your last shift” speaks loudly and identifies the challenges we face locally and provincially. I see these same challenges in Agriculture “You are only as good as your last harvest or your calf crop.” In using Mr. Roach’s longer view as outlined in the “THE OWL”, let me briefly share with you how this impacts our farming/ranching families.
- The aging of the population: The average age of farmers is fast approaching 60+ and according to Stats Canada there is no tidal wave of young farmers coming to the plate. 1% of the population feeds the world. This is a very unique club with huge responsibilities and we need to develop a better membership drive.
-The tech transition: The younger generation is adopting tech changes more readily than the older generation; however, the adoption rate overall is lower than expected. I see technology as a game changer; however, “In theory there is no difference between theory and practice, while in practice there is.”
-The energy transition: I believe science is the big driver here and respecting the producer’s (both Mr. Farmer and Mr. Rancher) contribution for carbon capture and alternative energy supplies. Carbon sequestration, solar farms and Bio fuels could be the new surface income and cash crop for producers. However, politics, bureaucracy and capital is a challenge in itself and this needs to be addressed by all stakeholders.
-Eroding trust: I believe farmers and ranchers are the most trust worthy business people around. I can’t tell you how many handshakes I have witnessed over the years in my practice. Yes, I know the times are changing. You can’t have trust without respect and co-operation. Maybe trust in the farming community stems from the business being a life style as well. I agree with Mr. Roach, fixing trust is complex and maybe the start is at the grass roots.
-Labour transition: The agricultural workforce is seriously undersupplied. Covid and an aging workforce is impacting production, families working longer hours and creating higher stress. New technology can address some of these challenges but in a limited way. I believe this is one of the most serious issues facing todays farming families. We need new ways to attract workers to this industry which impacts and touches all are lives.

Your thoughts are always appreciated

Take care

Fred Mertz


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