2021 Stats Canada Farm Census
STATCAN now defines a farm as a:
“unit that produces agricultural products and reports revenue or expenses for tax purposes to Canada Revenue Agency”.
So, if you do not report your revenue or expenses are you still a farm, or are you offside, or both??
Some highlight changes since 2016:
• Older farmers 55 plus are 60.5% of farm operators
• Young farmers under 35 is down to 8.6% from 9.1%
• 12% of farms have a succession plan
• Fewer farms and larger operations reporting 2 million or more in sales account for 50% of total revenues.
• Production of renewable energy is the newest commodity being reported by over 22,000 farms.
• Hay lands down 8.4% and pasture down 4.1% (I agree with my colleague Ryan, we have a forage and pasture crisis brewing)
• Sustainable farming practices are increasing and improving.
• Incredible opportunities for young farmers.
• New revenue streams like alternative energy and carbon sink.
• Huge deferred tax liabilities for retired farmers.
• Complex family situations and personal attachments to land.
• New relationships and bonding with trusted advisors as farm operations grow.
• Lastly, Managing SMARTER with a PURPOSE.
Attached is the link to 2021 Farm Census
I look forward to next week when I'll be talking about Farming – Driven by Purpose...
Fred Mertz